
Advent of code is here and every year I use a parser combinator library to handle the inputs. Lately, I have been into Erlang but I couldn’t find a parser combinator library that I liked. However, Erlang does have leex and yecc. Leex is a lexical analyzer generator and yecc is a LALR-1 parser generator. I have never used tools like these before and it seemed like a great opportunity. However, the documentation and examples are a little sparse for getting started. Therefore, I decided to start this series as a medium to present examples of lexers and parsers in Erlang using leex and yecc!

I am not going to dive into the theory of these tools. I really just want to jam something examples into your brain piece so you can play with them. If you want to dive into theory later, be my guest.

Day 3: Mull It Over

This is the first example which isn’t just numbers separated by spaces. It is a great lexing and parsing example. The problem on advent of code. The basic idea is you have an input,


In the text, you’ll see some mul(A,B). We want to find all of these in the input, multiply the numbers A and B together, then sum all of the multiplications. There are corrupted versions which you aren’t allowed to count, e.g. mul(A, B), mul(A,B, ?(A,B). I think most people will use regex to solve this problem, i.e. mul\([0-9]+,[0-9]+\). How would we do this with leex and yecc?


Lexing is a process of breaking a string into tokens. In our case, the tokens would be mul, (, ,, ), or a number. In part 2, we also need do, don't. Finally, we also need to represent the rest of the input i.e. space, newline, skip. The skip token is going to represent any token that isn’t relevant to us. For example, the tokenized version of xmul(2,4)%& is approximately ['skip', 'mul', '(', '2', ',', '4', ')', skip, skip]. We’ll feed the tokenization to the parser in the next step. First, let’s discuss how to describe the lexer using leex.


INT         = [0-9]+
MULTIPLY    = mul
DO          = do\(\)
DONT        = don't\(\)
COMMA       = ,
SPACE       = \s+
NEWLINE     = \n
ELSE        = .

The first section of the leex file describes our tokens. It uses a relatively simplistic regex language to describe the tokens. More documentation here. INT = [0-9]+ means an INT is described as one or more of any single number between 0 and 9. SPACE = \s+ means a SPACE is described as one or more space characters. ELSE = . means ELSE is described as any character.


{INT}                 : {token, {int, TokenLine, list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}.
{MULTIPLY}            : {token, {mul, TokenLine}}.
{DO}                  : {token, {do, TokenLine}}.
{DONT}                : {token, {dont, TokenLine}}.
{OPEN_PAREN}          : {token, {open_paren, TokenLine}}.
{CLOSE_PAREN}         : {token, {close_paren, TokenLine}}.
{COMMA}               : {token, {comma, TokenLine}}.
{SPACE}               : {token, {space, TokenLine}}.
{NEWLINE}             : {token, {newline, TokenLine}}.
{ELSE}                : {token, {skip, TokenLine}}.  

The rules are evaluated in order from top to bottom. All of these rules are generating tokens, but you could also : skip_token or return an error : {error, "..."}. In {token, X}, X must be a tuple and it can be any length but must start with an atom. We’ll use that atom in the parser shortly. You can also use Erlang code here! For example, we really want 2 and not "2" so we use a builtin list_to_integer/1 to convert. TokenLine is a leex variable which is filled in with the line number from the input. There is also TokenLoc which gives you {Line, Column}.

Erlang code.

This is the final section. I don’t need any special Erlang code here, but we’ll use this section in the parser.

If you are using rebar3, and you stick these sections into a single file like src/lexer.xrl it will auto-generate a file src/lexer.erl which contains lexer:lex/1. If you pass that a string, it will try to lex it. For the following example (the test input),


you get (truncated for article length),


See how it is just a list of tokens! Let’s parse it!


Parsing will take the list of tokens and interpret them into a data structure convenient for our computation. In our case, we only care about the numbers (int), do and don't. In part 1, we only need the numbers. For example, given the above lexed output we want [{operands, {2, 4}}] to come out of parser. operands is arbitrary, we could have used spaceship. Our program decides what to do with the output of the parser.

Nonterminals instruction memory computer else.

Terminals mul int open_paren close_paren comma space newline skip do dont.

Rootsymbol computer.

The terminals are just the atoms from our lexer, hopefully you recognize them. The non-terminals describe the pieces we want to pull out,

  • instruction: {operand, {X, Y}}, enable, disable
  • memory: a list of instructions
  • computer: a list of memorys
  • else: everything we want to skip

I chose to translate do -> enable, don't -> disable because it seemed more obvious when writing the solution. The Rootsymbol determines the starting point. In our case, we are parsing the computer as a list of list of instructions. The next section of the yecc file is a bit large in this case but I prefer to show code before the example. I like to put a blank line in between each non-terminal for readability.

instruction -> mul open_paren int comma int close_paren : {ok, operands, {extract_integer('$3'), extract_integer('$5')}}.
instruction -> mul open_paren int comma int             : incomplete.
instruction -> mul open_paren int comma                 : incomplete.
instruction -> mul open_paren int                       : incomplete.
instruction -> mul open_paren                           : incomplete.
instruction -> do                                       : {ok, enable}.
instruction -> dont                                     : {ok, disable}.
instruction -> else                                     : incomplete.

memory -> instruction             : remove_incomplete('$1').
memory -> instruction memory      : remove_incomplete_rec('$1', '$2').

computer -> memory           : ['$1'].
computer -> memory computer  : ['$1'|'$2'].

else -> mul.
else -> int.
else -> open_paren.
else -> close_paren.
else -> comma.
else -> space.
else -> newline.
else -> skip.

This section describes all the rules. A single rule is constructed with a non-terminal instruction ->, it’s definition mul open_paren int comma int close_paren, and what we do with it : {ok, operands, {extract_integer('$3'), extract_integer('$5')}}.. The definition is literally the atoms from the tokenized output in that exact order. If you have a space in between any of those the rule will fail. Each token is identified using this odd syntax, i.e. '$3' is the first int token. The return is just an Erlang value. We can use built-ins or add code in an Erlang code. section (which I use in this case). After the matching rule, we have to describe all the incomplete sequences. If you don’t do this, you get very weird errors. Those errors are trying to explain to you that you must have these 6 tokens in order and I only found e.g. mul open_paren, but I can’t find an int after it. Try commenting those out and check the error message, it isn’t great. Finally, we have do, dont, and anything else.

The else non-terminals are just any singular token not matching our incomplete mul(1,2) example. Note how I don’t include do and dont there, I always want to parse those.

The memory non-terminal is recursive and so you need a base case. Our base case is just an instruction and the recursive case is an instruction followed by memory. You’ll see these recursive definitions a lot with advent of code problems. The computer is very similar but replace instruction with memory.

Erlang code.

extract_integer({_Token, _Line, Value}) -> Value.

remove_incomplete({ok, operands, {A, B}}) ->
	[{operands, {A, B}}];
remove_incomplete({ok, enable}) ->
remove_incomplete({ok, disable}) ->
remove_incomplete(incomplete) ->

remove_incomplete_rec({ok, operands, {A, B}}, Rest) ->
	[{operands, {A, B}} | Rest];
remove_incomplete_rec({ok, enable}, Rest) ->
	[enable | Rest];
remove_incomplete_rec({ok, disable}, Rest) ->
	[disable | Rest];
remove_incomplete_rec(incomplete, X) ->

Finally, our Erlang code to process. We are just removing the incompletes from our final result and reshaping the operands, enable, and disable to avoid dealing with the oks in our application code.

If you are using rebar3 you will get auto-generation here too. A file src/parser.yrl will generate src/parser.erl which has parse/1.

{ok, Lex} = lexer:lex("xmul(2,4)%&mul[3,7]!@^do_not_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64]then(mul(11,8)mul(8,5))"),

will output


Amazing! Solving the problem is trivial from here!


This was just our first example using leex and yecc. We are going to go over a lot more examples in the series. For example, 2023 day 1 makes use of a neat leex feature. If you have any suggestions, questions, or corrections hit me up on bluesky.