Path To Beginnery in Functional Programming with Haskell

See the first post in this series for an introduction to this series. Quick recap: I am trying to track my path completing Haskell programming projects from books I am reading. Feel free to message me on Twitter @chiroptical with any corrections or suggestions on new topics.

Project 1

This is a short problem, but I was getting stuck on a foldr implementation. I wanted to write down the problem, reductions, correct solution, and some alternate implementations to increase my understanding.

Definition of Problem

Implement myMaximumBy using a fold. myMaximumBy takes a comparison function, of type (a -> a -> Ordering), and returns the greatest element of the list based on the last value in the list which returned GT. Some examples:

Prelude> myMaximumBy (\_ _ -> GT) [1..10]
Prelude> myMaximumBy (\_ _ -> LT) [1..10]
Prelude> myMaximumBy compare [1..10]

Solving The Problem

The base case, or accumulator, is simply the first value in the list. My initial thought is that given an empty list our function should return an error. Side note: after additional thought I decided to implement a version which returns Maybe a, but I will show that in the Practical Considerations section. If given a list with one element, simply return that element. Next we need to define our folding function (for a foldr),

folder :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> a -> a
folder f x acc = if f x acc == GT then x else acc

and the full foldr with pattern matches for empty and single-item lists,

myMaximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
myMaximumBy _ [] = error "Cannot myMaximumBy on empty list!"
myMaximumBy _ [x] = x
myMaximumBy f xs = foldr (folder f) (head xs) $ tail xs

For a novice, this might look like working code as it will type check! However, it doesn’t work correctly. A foldr breaks down like this for [a] with 3 items:

foldr g acc [a, a', a'']
-- ==
-- g a (g a' (g a'' acc))

Let’s take the example where,

-- Omitting types
g = folder f
f = \_ _ -> GT

-- Reduction (g x x' = x, always!)
-- 1. g a (g a' a'')
-- 2. g a a'
-- 3. a

Which is not what we are looking for! We actually want to return a''. To do that, we need foldl,

folder :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> a -> a
folder f acc x = if f acc x == GT then acc else x

myMaximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
myMaximumBy _ [] = error "Cannot myMaximumBy on empty list!"
myMaximumBy _ [x] = x
myMaximumBy f xs = foldl (folder f) (head xs) $ tail xs

-- Reduction
-- 1. f (f a a') a''
-- 2. f a' a''
-- 3. a''

Practical Considerations

Implement ... -> Maybe a Version

Let’s remove the version of myMaximumBy which errors out by returning Nothing when given an empty list and a Maybe a otherwise.

folder :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Maybe a -> a -> Maybe a
folder f (Just acc) x = if f acc x == GT then (Just acc) else (Just x)
folder _ _ _ = Nothing

myMaximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
myMaximumBy _ [] = Nothing
myMaximumBy _ [x] = Just x
myMaximumBy f xs = foldl (folder f) (Just $ head xs) $ tail xs

I don’t think folder f _ x pattern in necessary, but it definitely doesn’t hurt.

Implement myMinimumBy

For myMinimumBy you simply replace GT in folder with LT. With a little abstraction, you can write both in a nice point-free style.

folder :: Ordering -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Maybe a -> a -> Maybe a
folder o f (Just acc) x = if f acc x == o then (Just acc) else (Just x)
folder _ _ _ _ = Nothing

myOrderingBy :: Ordering -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
myOrderingBy _ _ [] = Nothing
myOrderingBy _ _ [x] = Just x
myOrderingBy o f as = foldl (folder o f) (Just $ head as) $ tail as

myMaximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
myMaximumBy = myOrderingBy GT

myMinimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
myMinimumBy = myOrderingBy LT

Wrapping Up

This wasn’t a particularly difficult problem or solution, but it was one of the first cases where my code looked correct, type-checked, and failed. It is really important to understand the difference between foldr and foldl. I am starting to really enjoy point-free style in Haskell. When understood, it is terse and beautiful.

Edits made on 10/18/18 cleaning up patterns with unneccesary named parameters. Replace (x:[]) with [x].